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Magnolia Center Little League

Magnolia Center Little League

Magnolia Center Little League


The purposes of Little League are “to assist youth in developing qualities of citizenship, discipline, teamwork and physical well-being, with proper guidance and exemplary leadership.”  Magnolia Center Little League (“MCLL”) has instituted this Code of Conduct to ensure that the behavior and conduct of all participants in MCLL activities are consistent with and further these purposes. 

Players, managers, coaches, parents, league officials, umpires, scorekeepers, announcers and spectators all share in the responsibility to display proper behavior at all times. Unsportsmanlike conduct or disrespect for the game, league officials, opposing coaches and teams, the umpires and game officials, the scorekeepers and the spectators will not be tolerated by MCLL during any of its activities. 

The President of MCLL or the Board of Directors may take disciplinary action against any participant in the league, including players, coaches, parents, umpires, league officials, and spectators, whose conduct is detrimental to the operation and purpose of MCLL. While this Code of Conduct enumerates certain conduct that would result in automatic disciplinary action, it is not exhaustive and other conduct not specifically identified in this Code could also result in disciplinary action.

Disciplinary action includes reprimands, game ejections, suspensions, or expulsion from the league. 


The following is the Code of Conduct players are obligated to follow at MCLL, or at any MCLL activities (such as tournaments or games played in other Little Leagues). Violation of any rule may result in ejection, reprimand, suspension and/or expulsion from the MCLL. 

  • The use of tobacco, alcohol or illegal drugs anywhere on or in the vicinity of the playing fields is strictly prohibited.
    Violation of this rule will result in immediate expulsion from the league.

  • The following behavior will result in immediate ejection from the game or MCLL activity, a mandatory one-game suspension from the player’s next regularly scheduled game, and such other action as MCLL deems appropriate:

  • arguing with umpires or other game officials;

  • engaging in offensive behavior;

  • trash-talking to opponents;

  • unsportsmanlike conduct;

  • abusive, harmful or unwarranted disruptions to the game;

  • throwing bats, helmets, gloves, or other equipment in anger;

  • using profane, obscene or vulgar language;

  • verbal disrespect directed towards an umpire, game official, league official, another player, manager, coach or spectator.

  • There shall be no fighting whatsoever at any MCLL activity. Any player who either suggests or threatens to fight, or initiates and/or participates in a fight before or during a game, or touches or threatens to touch anyone else in a violent or offensive manner, shall be immediately ejected from the game and suspended from the next three games. If the incident occurs after the completion of a game or at any other MCLL activity, that player(s) shall be suspended from the next four games.

  • It shall be mandatory for all players at the completion of their game to participate in a post-game cheer and handshake ceremony on the field of play. In addition, all players must thank the umpiring crew and any other game officials present. Any player not participating (with the exception of injury) shall be suspended from the following game and will be subject to further suspension at the discretion of the President of MCLL or the MCLL Board of Directors. 

Players who are ejected from a game twice in any season shall be subject to a mandatory suspension for the remainder of the season. The player will automatically lose their eligibility to participate in any post-season tournaments. In addition, the player shall be subject to a permanent ban from MCLL at the discretion of MCLL. 

A player ejected from a game may be allowed to remain in the dugout or asked to leave the proximity of the playing field at the discretion of the umpire. 

The suspensions will begin immediately upon notification to the offending party by the President of MCLL and take effect before the next scheduled game of the offending player. 


The following is the Code of Conduct all managers, coaches and other adult volunteers are obligated to follow in MCLL, or at any MCLL activity (such as tournaments or games played in other Little Leagues). Violation of any rule may result in ejection, reprimand, suspension and/or expulsion. 

  • The use of tobacco, alcohol or illegal drugs anywhere on or in the vicinity of the playing fields is strictly prohibited.
    Violation of this rule will result in immediate expulsion from the league.

  • The following behavior will result in immediate ejection from the game or MCLL-approved activity, a mandatory two-game suspension from the next regularly scheduled games, and such other action as MCLL deems appropriate:

  • arguing with umpires or other game officials;

  • engaging in offensive behavior;

  • trash-talking to opponents;

  • unsportsmanlike conduct;

  • abusive, harmful or unwarranted disruptions to the game;

  • throwing bats, helmets, gloves, or other equipment in anger;

  • using profane, obscene or vulgar language;

  • verbal disrespect directed towards an umpire, game official, league official, another player, manager, coach or spectator.

Managers and coaches who are ejected from a game twice in any season are subject to a mandatory suspension for the remainder of the season. This individual will automatically lose their eligibility to participate in any post-season tournaments.  In addition, the manager and/or coach shall be subject to a permanent expulsion from MCLL at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

A manager or coach ejected from a game will not be allowed to remain in the dugout or the spectator area and must immediately vacate the proximity of Shamel Park (Site).  Failure to do so in a timely manner without further argument or delay may result in forfeiture of the game.

The President of MCLL shall promptly report the suspension of any player to the Board of Directors, although there is no right to appeal of any discipline instituted under this provision. The suspensions will begin immediately upon notification to the offending party by the President of MCLL and take effect before the next scheduled game of the offending player.


The following is the Code of Conduct all spectators are obligated to follow in MCLL, or at any MCLL activity (such as tournaments or games played in other Little Leagues). Violation of any rule may result in disciplinary action.

  • Spectators shall not incite or participate in any form of unsportsmanlike conduct in MCLL or at any MCLL activity.

  • Spectators shall not use abusive or profane language or gestures at any time at any game or other MCLL activity.

  • Spectators shall not criticize, belittle, antagonize, berate or otherwise incite any players, managers, coaches, adult volunteers, umpires, league officials or other spectators by word of mouth or by gesture.

  • Spectators shall accept all decisions of the umpires and game officials as being fair and judged to the best of their ability.

  • Any spectator exhibiting unsportsmanlike conduct, disruptive, profane, rude and/or abusive behavior towards any player,  manager, coach, umpire, game official, league official or other spectator shall be subject to removal from the spectator area and the immediate vicinity of the game by an umpire or league official. Any spectator who fails to comply with this request in a timely manner, without further argument or delay, may subject the team to which they are affiliated to forfeiture of the game and must be reported to the Board of Directors.

  • The President or Board of Directors of MCLL shall be empowered to suspend any spectator from attending any MCLL games or other MCLL approved events for engaging in conduct detrimental to the operation and purpose of MCLL.


SITE – The Site is hereby defined as Shamel Park and its entirety.  Including but not limited to both the front and back fields, grass area used as T1, and grass area used as T2, parking lot, playground, and picnic benches.

SUSPENSION / SUSPENDED – Any person/s suspended during a game, from a game, or any MCLL activity, may not be anywhere on the site for the remaining portion of the day, or the day in its entirety.  This includes and is not limited to any other game or activity, in which another child, sibling, friend and/or family member is participating as a contestant or player.


Magnolia Center Little League
5225 Canyon Crest Dr, Ste 71-837
Riverside, California 92507

Email: [email protected]

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